ClubJr. Team Registration Form
Team Name e.g.) Catch Junior
Abbreviation e.g.) Catch *16 characters or less
Representative e.g.) Catch Yoshida

Phone Number ※Daytime contact number e.g.) 03-1234-5678
Primary Email

2nd Email
* Please enter an email address different from the primary email address.
* The automatic reply email "Team Registration Accepted" will be sent to both email addresses.

We agree to pledge the following when we participate in 2023 GAIA ULTIMATE CUP 〜GLOVE TOURNAMENT〜.

<Regarding tournament management>
 1) We agree to comply with all tournament rules and regulations provided by the tournament organizer.
 2) We give permission to be photographed, filmed, and recorded for media and
    promotional related publishing (TV, Radio,Magazine, Online media, etc.).
 3) We take full responsibility for the management of our personal belongings and equipment.
    We will not hold the tournament organizer accountable for loss/damage/etc of our personal belongings and equipment.
 4) We will not hold the tournament organizer accountable for any accidents that occur during the tournament.
 5) If the tournament is canceled or changed due to reasons that cannot be attributed to the tournament organizer,
    such as rough weather conditions or poor playing environment, or loss or damage of equipment interferes
    in your participation of the tournament, we will not hold the tournament organizer to account for it,
    and also we will not will not make any claim for payment of any expenses (including registration fees)
    incurred in order to participate in the tournament.
 6) We agree that CLUB Jr. Inc. may use photos taken during the tournament for CLUB Jr. Inc.'s business.

<Regarding medical treatment such as first aid at the tournament venue>
[Compliance with the recommendation to stop the competition and first aid/treatment]
 1) During the competition, if the organizer determines a player’s physical condition will interfere with the safe
    continuation of the competition, we agree to follow any recommendations made by the tournament organizers,
    including suspension of that player from the tournament.
 2) If we get injured, have an accident, or become ill, we agree that the doctor and the organizer will administer
    first aid/treatment. We will not object to it and will not hold the tournament organizer accountable for the results.
[Disclaimer of injuries and deaths]
 1) In the event of injury or death, during or after the tournament or any related events,
    we will exempt the parties involved in the tournament from all liability regardless of the cause.
 2) We acknowledge that participation in this tournament carries inherent risks and
    we are aware of the limits of the scope of the accident insurance covering this tournament.
    Therefore we hereby waive any claims and lawsuits for any and all damages we have suffered for ourselves,
    our executors, trustees, heirs, close relatives, etc. We swear that we will not make a claim for attorney fees, etc.

<About Player Registration>
 After completing this team registration, please check your email and proceed with the player registration
 according to the information included in the automatic email.
<Privacy Policy>
The personal information you enter when you register for this tournament will be managed by CLUB Jr.Co.Inc., and will be used only for accepting registrations for the tournament and for contacting you.
We will not use it for other purposes without your permission.


<About Player Entry>
After completing the team registration, please proceed with the player registration according to the information included in the automatic email.